harry-chapmanHarry Chapman has been involved with the Sister City Program since 2001 when his oldest son, Harrison, was a delegate representing Sausalito in the exchange with Sakaide, Japan. Harry is married to Janet Chapman Secretary of the Vina Del Mar Operations Council. They have two sons, Harrison and Cole. The entire family has been to Sakaide as part of the Sister City program. The Chapman’s have been a host family for two delegates from Sakaide.

Harry has been on the Board of Directors for Sausalito Sister Cities Inc. since its inception as the Secretary. In addition, he serves as the Secretary of the Sakaide Operations Council.
Professionally, Harry is a Principal with the Bay Area Consulting Group, LLC, a consulting firm which assists non-profits use technology more effectively to achieve their strategic objectives. He is the founder of a professional organization, the Bay Area Consultants Network. He and his wife have lived in Sausalito since 1984.

His education includes an MBA from Washington University and a BS in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Cornell University. His hobbies include traveling, hiking and wood working.